Fredericktown Chevrolet

Feb 18, 2024

Getting a new car battery for your Chevy every few years is part of being a responsible car owner. Your local, trustworthy Chevy dealer can check your battery’s health periodically, and we can replace the car battery when necessary.

car battery replacement in fredericktown ohio
Photo by: Julia Avamotive via

All car batteries are different. One battery may last three years, but another may keep going for a year or two longer than that. The weather and your driving habits impact how long the battery lasts, too. However, you should always consider replacing your battery after three years, as its performance will begin to decline after that point.

When Should You Head to the Chevy Dealer for a New Battery?

When You Struggle to Start or Can’t Start Your Car

Is your engine taking longer to start than normal? Or can you not start your car at all? These problems can be down to a faulty battery. Jumpstart your vehicle if it won’t start. If the car stays on once it’s been jumpstarted, then your battery is the culprit.

When Your Battery Becomes Misshapen or Leaks

If you overcharge your battery, or if it’s exposed to high temperatures, then it may swell up and appear bloated. An old or overcharged battery can also leak, leading to corrosion on its terminals. You can also tell your battery has been leaking if there’s a rotten egg smell under the hood.

When Your Electronics Malfunction

Will your phone no longer charge in the car? Are the windows sticking or slow while going up and down? These issues can indicate a problem with your battery or another part of your electrical system, so head to the dealer to see if you need to replace the battery.

When Your Headlights Suffer

Your headlights may become dim, or they could begin to flicker while in use when the battery is failing. Sometimes the headlights will be dim while idling, but they’ll be fine while you’re driving. Other interior and exterior lights on your vehicle may be dim or begin to flicker when your battery is failing, too, including the lights on your dashboard.

What Can Mimic a Faulty Battery?

Other problems with your electrical system may mimic a faulty battery. One of your accessories might stop working due to a blown fuse. Your car may fail to start due to a malfunctioning alternator or starter motor. Even faulty wiring can wreak havoc on your electronic accessories or your car’s ability to start, so make sure your car gets a thorough inspection any time you suspect you’re having battery problems.

Visit Fredericktown Chevrolet in Fredericktown, OH if you have trouble with any component in your car’s electrical system. Stop by for maintenance to keep the electrical system running well, too.